Go to click “Start Menu” on the left corner of desktop > Find and click the “Control Panel” option > Click “Programs and Features” > highlight Outfox TV in the programs list > click “Uninstall” button > on the pop-up screen, follow the Next steps to finish the removal processes. In order to absolutely uninstall Outfox TV, you need to access the Registry Editor to delete all registry entries about the program. Thus, follow the step-by-step guides.
Click on Start Menu > select “Run” >Type “Regedit” in the dialog box > Click “YES” to access Registry Editor> Click the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER andHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Search and click all registry entries related to Outfox TV > Right-click the files and Select “Delete” option to remove the registry files. And then, the Outfox TV has been deleted after you restart your PC.
As we known, it is not easy to handle the registry problem. If you edit the registry file by mistakes, your computer will be destroyed. So to avoid the risk like that, you need to try another much safer way to remove Outfox TV. Perfect Uninstaller is a powerful uninstall tool, which can enable you to fully uninstall any unnecessary program with ease. It is 100% guaranteed to completely delete Outfox TV from your computer without any troubles